Cover Characteristics - Silhouettes

Today's Cover Characteristics - Silhouettes

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted by Sugar and Snark. Every week they give us these gorgeous themes and then you have to pick 5 (or more - whatever blows your hair back) covers featuring that theme. If you want to participate: 
  • Pick your covers 
  • Post it to your blog
  • Share your post's URL in the linky provided by Sugar and Snark
  • Go and check out the other guys who also posted! (This might influence your current TBR list a great deal.) 

When I saw today's theme, a song immediately popped into my head and yes - I've been singing the whole day to the music in my head. (I also march to the beat of my own drum, but that's completely besides the point today). Who of you remember Bonnie Tyler's album Silhouette in Red? I remember this soooooo well. I had (still have, thanks to facebook) this lovely friend in Primary School who introduced me to Bonnie Tyler when we were about 11 or 12. When this album was released, we listened to it constantly. She had an amazing sound system in her room, and when those first notes of the first song (When Sally comes around) on that cd started - you had goosebumps all over - even the windows were purring like a cat from pure enjoyment. I actually get goosebumps just by remembering. (My hair never, ever wanted to look like this.)

  Image result for silhouette in red bonnie tyler album

But this is about books and luckily I could gather quite a bit just from my own little pile of books. 

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The Rosie effect by Graeme Simsion
Me before you by Jojo Moyes 

Both of these were the original covers that I've read. Both are huge favourites as well. 

Heat Wave (Nikki Heat, #1)  7776678

Heat Wave by Richard Castle 
Naked Heat by Richard Castle

Are the rumors true that there will not be a season 9 of CASTLE? Say it isn't so....

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The verdict by Nick Stone One of my favourite courtroom dramas
And then there were none by Agatha Christie My favourite Agatha Christie! (Okay, one of my top ten AC's)

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My two favourites!

Peter Pan by JM Barry 
The sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay (Although I actually haven't read it)

Are we allowed to use animal silhouettes? 'Cause these two are just gorgeous and  also two of my favourite books.

When God was A Rabbit  15755201

 When God was a rabbit by Sarah Winman
Suspect by Robert Crais

Please share your favourite covers with silhouettes with me!


  1. Me Before You is nice (I have not seen that cover version before) and Heat Wave has a nice crime feel. I like The Verdict and Peter Pan has a nice whimsical feel. I like your picks this week!

    1. Thanks Greg! I think I am getting the hang of it now... Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. I love the colors on Me Before You, but The Sea of Tranquility is awesome with the melted ice cream and the gravel forming the silhouettes!

    1. I also like The Sea Tranquility. Going to see if I can find it this week to start reading it.

  3. I love the original cover of Me Before You (as I stated in my own post) before they changed it to the red one, eventhough I think the red one tells the story better than the original.

    my post

    Sya @ Bookish Sya

    1. I am going to have a look at your post now. Thanks for sharing and visiting!

  4. I haven't seen those covers for The Rosie Effect and Me Before You! They fit perfectly! Great picks!
    Check out my Covers

    1. Hi Lisa! Maybe we get different book covers in South Africa... Both of these were the original covers I've read provided by my book club. Happy weekend to you!

  5. I think I love the Peter Pan cover the most!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark


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