The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict

28389305Title: The Other Einstein
Author: Marie Benedict
Published by: Sourcebooks Landmark
Publication date: 18 October 2016 
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 304
ISBN:  9781492637257
Mareli's rating: 3 stars
Recommend to: Lovers of historical fiction and strong female characters
Description: A vivid and mesmerizing novel about the extraordinary woman who married and worked with one of the greatest scientists in history.
What secrets may have lurked in the shadows of Albert Einstein’s fame? His first wife, Mileva “Mitza” Marić, was more than the devoted mother of their three children—she was also a brilliant physicist in her own right, and her contributions to the special theory of relativity have been hotly debated for more than a century.
In 1896, the extraordinarily gifted Mileva is the only woman studying physics at an elite school in Zürich. There, she falls for charismatic fellow student Albert Einstein, who promises to treat her as an equal in both love and science. But as Albert’s fame grows, so too does Mileva’s worry that her light will be lost in her husband’s shadow forever. Goodreads

First of all, a big thank you to Netgalley, Sourcebooks Landmark and the author, Marie Benedict for presenting me with an early copy of this marvelous novel. Quite similar to Marie Benedict, I started this novel with even less than "commonplace understanding" of Albert Einstein. Of course I know what he looked like and he is very famous for something called "E=MC2". The best way I understand that, is according to the first photo. But let's face it, it will be an awesome name for a rap-band. 

 Image result for e=ms2 jokes Image result for einstein funny photos
Never really bothered to read up on his personal life. I knew he was married and somehow remembered that he had children, but I have never heard of Mileva Marić. How terribly sad. When I received my copy of The Other Einstein, I went visiting my good old friend, Google, immediately. (note: As you know, I love books that are infinitely google-able, The Other Einstein sure is!) 

Who was the lovely lady and clever physicist who will only be remembered as Albert Einstein's first wife? What role might she have played in the great scientist's discoveries? In The Other Einstein Marie Benedict introduces us to Mileva, a fascinating scientist in her own right and not just a footnote in the famous Albert Einstein's story. 

Image result for albert einstein first wife
Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein
Image result for albert einstein children
Mileva with Eduard and Hans Albert 
Not as unknown as I presumed her to be either. When a stack of love letters between Albert and Mileva were discovered in the 1980's, Mileva and her role in Albert's theories were the center of much debate in the physics community. These letters, written between 1897 and 1903 when Albert and Mileva were still university students, hinted at a number of collaborative work between the couple. 

I really enjoyed the way Marie Benedict colored in these rather blank pages. How much of it is fact and how much is fiction, really doesn't concern me at all. I think every reader can decide for him- or herself if they want to enjoy this story with a nice cup of tea or with a few grains of salt.

The purpose of The Other Einstein is not to diminish Albert Einstein's contribution to humanity and science, but to share the humanity behind his scientific contributions. The Other Einstein aims to tell the story of a brilliant woman whose light has been lost in Albert's enormous shadow.

- Marie Benedict

This was an enjoyable read with good writing and the focus was mostly on Mileva and her struggles and accomplishments and not on the science itself. Mileva was torn between family life and science and this was particularly well portrayed.  I will vouch for The Other Einstein and will recommend you enjoy this one with a nice cup of tea. 

More reviews on The Other Einstein:

Chapter Adventures
Flashlight Commentary
Angel Erin



  1. Excellent review, I totally get what you're saying here. I kinda wish there had been more science and even more about Mileva. I had no idea about the letters, but that's really fascinating. I'm so glad you liked this one a bit more than I did. 😀😀


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