Friday Meets - 07 April 2017

Greetings! No, I'm not here to talk politics today. I'm just here for the books and free coffee and cake. But I simply had to share this joke. Should you by any chance be interested, you are welcome to read more about the Friday March against Zuma @ News24. Let's talk books! 

Meet me on Friday @ Friday 56 for a bit of Book Blogger Hop to kick-start the weekend with Book Beginnings.

Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice. For this date, you will need the following:

  •  Grab a book (Yes, any book. But it might get you to your other Friday activities a bit quicker if you just grab the book you are currently reading)
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader
  • Find a sentence or two (your other Friday activities might determine this)
  • Post it!
  • Remember to post your link on Freda's Voice and to visit the other guys in the linky.
  • And don't forget to list the title of the book and the author as well.
I am currently reading The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert and I enjoy it so much. I've used a great quote from this novel yesterday in my Thursday Quotables post. If you come from a strict Dutch Reformed Church background, you have to read everything Alma's mother detest in this life. Her father is not much the better here:


18160904She knew that her father detested large men who kept small dogs. Also, he detested people who bought fast horses that they were unskilled to ride. Furthermore, he detested: recreational sailing vessels; surveyors; cheaply made shoes; French (the language, the food, the populace); nervous clerks, tiny porcelain plates which broke in a man's damned hand; poetry (but not songs!); the stooped back of cowards; thieving sons of whores; a lying tongue; the sound of a violin; the army (any army); tulips (onions with airs!); blue jays; the drinking of coffee (a damned, dirty Dutch habit) and although Alma did not yet understand what any of these words meant - both slavery and abolitionists.

Let's join Gilion @ Rose City Reader now for Book Beginnings. Every Friday we share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

I normally try to feature two different books on the Friday Meets post, but the opening line(s) of this book is just too great not to share:

Alma Whittaker, born with the century, slid into our world on the fifth of January, 1800. 
Swiftly - nearly immediately - opinions began to form around her.
Alma's mother, upon viewing the infant for the first time, felt quite satisfied with the outcome. Beatrix Whittaker had suffered poor luck thus far generating an heir. Her first three attempts at conception had vanished in sad rivulets before they'd ever quickened. Her most recent attempt - a perfectly formed son - had come right to the brink of life, but had then changed his mind about it on the very morning he was meant to be born and arrived already departed. After such losses, any child who survives is a satisfactory child.

I couldn't agree more. 

As always, I will also be joining the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings of a coffee addicted writer. Every week they will pop a question that you need to answer. Post your answer to your blog, enter your post to the linky provided, make yourself a cup of coffee and go visit the other blogs in the list. 

Today's questions: If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be?

My Answer: Without even having to think about it

 Image result for agatha christie Related image

I think Dame Agatha Christie had to be the most interesting person to talk to in forever. Not only as an author. She must have had an amazing mind. Or scary. Or disturbed. This lady had a knowledge and an insight into human behavior that could give Dr Sigmund Freud a run for his money. Come to think of it, that will make a great post! BUT - I would not have liked to meet her face to face. Then she would know what I look like, She would know what I sound like, she will know me!! And she will most probably create a character around me. I'll be murdered in the most horrible way. Or even worse - I will murder someone..... 

Image result for black and white murder scene gif


Talk to me! - If you could meet an author, who would it be? What are you reading over the weekend?


  1. Awesome pick! I really need to read more of Agatha's work!

    1. Hi Erica! Agatha Christie is my go-to author - her books can fix just about anything (the fact that all the books include either murder or attempted murder does not reflect very well on my state of mind...)

  2. I am not sure about The Signature of All Things...primarily because Elizabeth Gilbert disappointed me in Eat, Pray, Love. But I should give her another chance...and I am curious about a father who hates almost everything...he sounds detestable!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Hi Laurel-Rain! No - you can relax. The Signature of All Things are completely different than Eat, Pray, Love. This is a novel and not a memoir. I enjoy it very much!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'm binge-watching Hercule Poirot right now, and I have to agree with your choice of Agatha Christie.

    Powerful first line.

    1. Yea!!! So glad! I can also binge-watch Poirot and Miss Marple. And then watch it again....!

  4. Agatha Christie would be marvelous - love her books.

    ENJOY your day, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. Hi Elizabeth!Thanks for stopping by! Hope you will also have a great weekend!

  5. I haven't read an Agatha Christie book but you're the second person to use her today! So now I'm definitely keeping my eye out for a few. Which ones do you recommend to someone knew to Chistie's work?

    1. Oooh Heather, where to start....! Okay - try And then there were none first. See how you like it. Murder on the Orient Express is also very good!

      But you are welcome to contact me if you have any more questions regarding her work!

  6. I agree with you on Agatha Christie. I also would love to meet Stephen King.
    Thanks for sharing. Here is my Friday 56 and Book Beginnings post

    1. I think I'll join you for the Stephen King meeting. Might be great to talk to him about his inspiration for stories. Gosh, he is such a diverse author!

      Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your week!

  7. I want to read this one. I loved Eat Pray Love. Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Freda! It's totally different than Eat, Pray, Love - but it is a great read. Bit thick though.... Don't know if I'll finish it this week.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a good week!

  8. Those quotes do make the book sound interesting!

    I must admit, I've never read any Agatha Christie, but I can see why you would not want to be in one of her books if you were likely to end up being a murder victim lol.

    1. Ja, I'll just end up being killed. Although my father-in-law is convinced that I will be able to commit the perfect murder with all the murder stories I read!

      Thanks for stopping by and hope you will have a great week!

  9. Not heard of this book so I am glad you are enjoying it. :)

  10. Agatha Christie seems to be a popular choice today.

    1. She definitely is! My ultimate go-to author. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oh, Mareli, I LOVE your answer to the BBH question!! I have long been meaning to pick up an Agatha Christie novel, and have not done so as yet....but I really DO want to!! And I want the first book to be "Murder on the Orient Express", for some reason. Maybe because it's one of her most famous novels. So KUDOS to you for picking this author!

    As for the book you picked for the other two Friday memes, I have it on my Goodreads shelves, and am looking forward to reading it! It's got a lot of rave reviews! Of course, I also want to read "Eat, Pray, Love"!!

    I recently finished another Gilbert book, titled "Big Magic", which I absolutely ADORED!! I HIGHLY recommend it to you. It's a nonfiction book, but I do think you'd enjoy it.

    Thanks so much for sharing!! Hope you enjoy a WONDERFUL Sunday!! <3 <3 :) :)

  12. Such a wonderful choice! I think Katherine picked her as well. She certainly would be a fascinating person to sit down and talk to for awhile. Such an interesting life, and a prolific author . . . Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a great week.

    1. Yes, Katherine did pick her as well! Great minds you know.....

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a good week too!

  13. I have added The Signature Of All Things to my Goodreads tbr. It sounds so good. And Agatha Christie... no wonder you and Katherine are reading buddies. :)

    1. Yea! Hope you will enjoy The Signature of All Things, I sure do. But it is a thick one, don't think I'll finish it this week....

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  14. More good quoting from The Signature of All Things - not my particular cup of tea I think, although I like the writing style. :-) I'm currently spacing out with sci fi.
    Love Agatha Christie as your author pick. Good grief - I would have to think hard to answer the question.

  15. Agatha Christie would be fascinating to meet! Great choices. :)


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