The Sunday Headlines #4

Image result for Bunny reading a newspaperGreetings! It's Easter Sunday and time for another edition of The Sunday Headlines where we bring you an update of the past week and give you a forecast of the upcoming week. As always, this post links up with The Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and It's Monday! What are you reading? hosted by Book Date. Remember to give these lovely ladies a visit and add your linky!

It's been dreadfully cold and raining (hallelujah!) over the weekend, so yes - I would much rather spend my afternoon curled up with a book. But I've already skipped Friday Meets and my strict Dutch Reformed background will not permit my conscience to skip another weekly feature. So let's see how short and sweet this can be!

Thalked about this week

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No Self-help section this week. But off the blog, I did go to the movies this week. Imax. 3D. It was amazing...... Beauty and the Beast official trailer

Image result for beauty and the beast 2017 gif

Forecast for the week

Recently Finished


Currently Reading

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The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert (paperback) - Almost halfway. Still very enjoyable.

Uneasy Money by P.G. Wodehouse (audio) - I didn't listen to it at all this week. Shameful. I know. 

Don't tell anyone by Eleanor Gray (kindle, NetGalley) - need to finish off. NEEEEEED to go read my book. (Yes, it's that intriguing)

Cross my heart hope to read

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Still my next paperback: You lost me by Marita van der Vyver (Paperback) - The Afrikaans title of this book is Misverstand and I will be reading and reviewing it in Afrikaans. Apologies in advance to all my English friends. 

Deadly Decision by Regina Smeltzer (Kindle, NetGalley) - this book has been haunting me for months now. Really need to read this one and "set it free". Who saw the movie Lavender? We've watched it on Friday Night. Bit scary, but I did enjoy the plot and the ending was something different and can I say enjoyable? But then, I've always loved a good ghost story....

Why you were taken by J.T. Lawrence (kindle, lucky-draw win) - For if perhaps Deadly Decision is too scary and I've started reading it while home alone.....

Hope you all had a great Easter Weekend! 


What was your Easter like? Read any good books?? 


  1. Happy Easter to you, Mareli:). Glad you're still enjoying The Signature of All Things - I loved it. Sorry it's been so cold, though I expect the rain is welcome, given what I recall of the South African climate... We are starting to get more sun and warmth, thank goodness. Have a great week! My Sunday Post -

    1. Hi Sarah! Sorry for the late reply. One of those hectic weeks again. Why is it always so after a long weekend?! Yes, the rain was much needed.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you had a good Easter Break!

  2. Happy Easter, Mareli. I hope you're having a wonderful time celebrating it. I'm curious about Don't Tell Anyone and Why You Were Taken. They are calling my name. :)
    I hope you enjoy all of them. Have a great week. :)

    1. Hi there! I will hopefully have my review for Don't Tell Anyone up by tomorrow and I've just started with Why You were Taken. Intriguing so far.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow, you've been posting a lot :) I'm still struggling with my discussion posts!
    Happy Easter :)

    1. I'm not going to do a lot this week! A bit busy and not enough time for blogging. Damn. Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Easter break was good!

  4. Happy Easter!! Wow you've had some posts I missed- love the CC and the cat one. Such an adorable cat- a new member of your family looks like?

    Sounds like the rain was needed? It's been raining a lot here too, although the last few days have been nice.

    Have a great week. :)

    1. Yes! Smelly Cat is our newest family member. Not by choice though. He was only a week or so old and got stuck in my neighbors' garden. Screamed like death was upon him until I rescued him. Now he must maar stay hey...

      Hope you had a good Easter and enjoy the rest of your week!

  5. Happy Easter! You saw Beauty and the Beast? Did you enjoy it? I've heard such great things.

    I haven't even heard of Lavender, but then I've never been a scary movie person. Total wimp when it comes to stuff like that, haha. HAve a great week!

    1. Beauty and the Beast was amazing!! So worth it. Glad I went alone as well.... I did a school production of the musical about 2 years ago, so I know ALL the words. Or at least the ones that didn't change.

      I don't really like scary movies no - but a good ghost story.... Lavender is good! Not too jumpy, I promise!

  6. Happy Easter!! And YAY for the rain and cold, I LOVE that sort of weather!
    Hope you enjoy those books :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Thanks Amy! Luckily the weather is better today. But now I am to busy to read..... So better weather, better for all! Hope to get some reading done later tonight though!

  7. yup thank god for raining! I really liked Eat Pray Love so I always had in mind to read another of hers. I didn't know of Lavander! 'll have to watch it now! I love me a good ghostly movie too :)

    1. Hallo! Goodness, I am late with replies! So sorry! The Signature of all things is completely different than Eat Pray Love, but it is a great book.

      Ooh I love a good ghost story! Hope you will have a good week!

  8. Sounds like my kind of weather. :-) Definitely perfect for reading. I hope you were able to get some in! Have a great rest of the week.

  9. As always I'm running LATE! Sorry!!!

    Hope the weather got better and I hope you had a lovely, lazy Easter?


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