Friday Meets - 01 July 2016

We came back from holidays last Friday and the past week has been hectic: 
  • Revamping the blog 
  • Struggling to get the hang of social media 
  • Registering on Netgalley 
  • Begging for new followers
Yes okay, it does sound as if I'm just making up excuses for not reading enough.

But I do solemnly swear to pledge my weekend to reading. 

Meet me on Friday @ Friday 56 for a bit of Book Blogger Hop to kick-start the weekend with Book Beginnings.

Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice. For this date, you will need the following:
  •  Grab a book (Yes, any book. But it might get you to your other Friday activities a bit quicker if you just grab the book you are currently reading)
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader
  • Find a sentence or two (your other Friday activities might determine this)
  • Post it!
  • Remember to post your link on Freda's Voice and to visit the other guys in the linky.
  • And don't forget to list the title of the book and the author as well.

I really did do all the above mentioned excuses. Honestly. My favourite one was registering on Netgalley. It is far better than a goody shop (or a candy shop to a child)

I received my first book very excitedly, but due to all the above mentioned excuses, I've just passed the 60% mark. Nope, it's not a new book. But it is being re-published by Endeavor Press. Hope to have it finished today and review over the weekend. 



" One of the rules of inheritance is that a man can't make capital out of his crime and inherit under the will of a person whose death he caused by murder or manslaughter. "
And that quote also gives you a rather clear indication of what this is about.

The Benefits of Death (Endeavourpress)

Before you run of for 'hey hey hey it's Friday'  

Remember to join Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. Share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading (or just take the one you grabbed for Friday 56) and share it. You are welcome to also post your initial thoughts on the sentence and your first impressions of the book. Remember to also post your link to Rose City Reader and to visit the other City Readers! If you use another book as the one used for Friday 56, remember to include the title and author.

I've started with Baking cakes in Kigali, but again got totally distracted by above mentioned excuses. I've been planning to read this for years, so hope to put mind to paper this weekend.


In the same way that a bucket of water reduces a cooking fire to ashes - a few splutters of shocked disbelief, a hiss of anger, and then a chill all the more penetrating for having so abruptly supplanted intense heat - in just that way the photograph that she now surveyed extinguished all her excitement.
I strongly suspect the dampening photo was quite similar to this one: 


Book Blogger Hop
Yet again I will be joining the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings of a coffee addicted writer. Every week they will pop a question that you need to answer. Post your answer to your blog, enter your post to the linky provided, make yourself a cup of coffee and go visit the other blogs in the list. 

Today's question:  Name an author or authors that you have read most of his/her books and recommend to others.

My answer:  Before joining the magical world of Goodreads and blogging, it was rather easy to give an answer to that question. I tended to 'stick' to the authors I knew and read all their works. It was a small world filled with the works of: 

J.K. Rowling
John Grisham
Marita van der Vyver
Dalene Matthee

Image result for I want to read all the books

But Goodreads and the Blogosphere makes one greedy... Now-a-days I don't spend time reading all the works from any specific author. I tend to just pick up and start reading the next available one on the nightstand or kindle. And the choices are endless.

Food for thought, don't you think?

Do you dedicate a lot of your reading time to one specific author or are you just as greedy as me? Let me know if we can start our own party.

Please share your Friday Posts with me and remember to join me again on Sunday for The Sunday Post.

Enjoy your weekend and happy reading!


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