Top Ten Tuesday - To Do or not to Do?

Today's Top Ten Tuesday - Ten books that inspired me to do/not do or learn something new

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward!

To do

1. Do learn to use some of the spell words in Harry Potter as very effective swear words. 

Do also ensure that your facial expression and tone of voice are in correlation. 


2. Do clap your hands as often and as quickly as you can. 

Of course you are allowed to stamp your feet as well, but maybe rather try the happy dance. Go on, clap your hands. Tinkerbell will stay alive if you do. Oh, and of course you have to say the words: "I do believe in fairies". And believe it. Just say it! (Should anyone disobey you, just refer back to point 1.)


3. Do know how to do the following (as per example of Louisa Clark in Me Before You):
  • Make an entrance
  • Make a really good cup of tea
  • Wear bumble bee tights paired with flowery shoes
  • Smile. Always


4. Do learn to cook jam. 

I've read this in Afrikaans and I am going to be presumptuous and translate my favorite quote from this book in my own words: Cooking jam is an act of hope. It means that you know the sun won't always shine, but you prepare for the darker days ahead. 
Trivia: All the members of my family got a lovely jar of home-cooked jam the Christmas of 2011.

5. Do pick up every little seed and pod you see. 

Keep it in a tin close to your heart. Ask not for your ashes to be scattered when your time has passed, but the content of your tin. Have daily conversations with Mister God until that time arrive. 

6. Where possible, do wear a hat.

"If you want to get ahead, wear a hat."
"Wearing a hat gives you authority over someone who isn't."

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Not to do

7. Do not have your portrait done

I'm not entirely sure, but it does appear that having your portrait done might have the same effect as turning into a vampire. It beautifies you to such an extent that you are utterly irresistible to woman and man alike. Unfortunately, it also turns you into a self-centered, whining little shit. My suggestion will also be to not take too many selfies. It might have a similar effect in the long run.


8. Do not be late to pick your child up from school.

It might also be advisable to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your mother-in-law. Maybe you should cook her some jam for her next birthday? And make sure you know every nook and cranny of her house. Literally. 

9. Do not offer to do an interview with a handsome entrepreneur as a favor to your sick friend. 

Do rather offer to phone in and re-schedule her interview. Or offer to make her some chicken soup, or even better - some toast with home-cooked jam. Offer her a really nice cup of tea (you've mastered the art of that by now) and a good book. If she still persists you must go and do the interview, refer back to point 1. Swear at her in moderation, but do not go to that interview.

10. Should you be planning a train journey and you happen to spot a short, little man with a waxed mustache and patent leather shoes, or a white-haired elderly woman with sharp eyes anywhere on the station - do not get on the train. 

Image result for david suchet as poirot Image result for miss marple

Do avoid the (Murder on the) Orient Express at all costs (although I really, really want to) and do not take the 4:50 to Paddington. Wait for the next train. 

Thalk to me!

Any useful tips you picked up here today?
What books inspired you to do/not do something or acquire a new skill?



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