The Bookish Time Travel Tag

Just to clear up any possible uncertainty regarding The Bookish Time Travel Tag: It is NOT a tag that you can put on your bag to ensure that your luggage will be safely returned in what ever dimension you happen to find yourself during your time travels. (Yes, I also agree that a tag like that will be a marvelous invention. Seeing that we are all such jet-setters in the Time Travelling realm)

The Bookish Time Travelling Tag is originally created by The Library Lizard who claims that this is her first book tag. But really - how can we believe that? How must we know if she hasn't tagged a hatbox containing only books in the Victorian era? But let's give her the benefit of the doubt and play by her rules.

  • Answer as many questions as you can/want.
  • Tag other people - as many as you like. 
  • Please leave a link to The Library Lizard containing your post
  • Explore! Go travelling in other people's Bookish Time Travels and remember to comment.
I was tagged along by AJ from Rather Quite Lovely who claims that she is working on a project at the university and won't be "around" until the end of the month. Also don't believe her at all. Rather convinced that she is exploring Ancient Greece (although not "ancient" in her current frame of time).

Let me rather just answer the questions in the known here and now: 

1. What is your favorite historical setting for a book?

I will have to say WWII. Not that I like the setting or wish to travel back in time to WWII, but neither statistics or Goodreads are well-known liars. I spend a lot of time in that setting.

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2. What writer/s would you travel to back in time to meet
  • Edgar Allan Poe. Might take a raven with on this expedition. Just to see if it has any effect. 
  • P.G Wodehouse. He's humor is timeless. On those rainy, gloomy days - I'll go visit him.
  • C.J. Langenhoven. No, I don't expect you to know him. He was an Afrikaans author and the "father" of my love for ghost stories. His were the best ever. I would just like to chat with him in general as well. He had an amazing gift for story telling. Hope Jakkals will be there too. C.J. Langenhoven

76243. What book/s would you travel back in time and give to your younger self

Lord of the flies by William Golding Strange choice, I know. I wish I've read this book when I should have read it, somewhere between gr 9 - 12. Trying to read this way into your 30's, not a good idea. I found it very disturbing, but I think if I've read it when I was younger, I might have accepted it as the norm and just the way things are. 

4. What book/s would you travel forward in time and give to your older self

Good Golly - how should I know that? Maybe a collection of Wodehouse? You know old age is no laughing matter, so I will need the humor. And maybe The 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared. I'm sure it will remind me to also look back on my life's adventures and re-write history while I'm at it. When I'm 100. And perhaps The art of racing in the rain. To prepare myself that I might return as a dog. At least then I'll know how to behave.

5. What is your favorite futuristic setting from a book? E.g Panem from The Hunger Games

Uhhhhhmmmmmmmm......... Haven't read that many futuristic books. Those that I have read, don't want to go there. I might rather be one of the 5 billion casualties and not THE CHOSEN ONE. But if I have no choice, I guess I'll choose the dystopian America in Fahrenheit 451. I'll just take my kindle with. (They won't have a clue what a kindle is. No one will think that it might possible be a book or two thousand)

6. What is your favorite book that is set in a different time period?

I see you and I'll raise you one more. Different time period(s) and different dimensions. 


7. Do you ever skip ahead to the end of a book just to see what happens

Oh this was my favorite past time when I was young. That was before I knew that there are other forms of literature than historical romances or just romance novels. And those are sooooo predictable. My cut-off normally were p 70. By then I always had a clear idea of what is going to happen in the next 100 pages. So I would just skip to the end to confirm my cleverness and finish the book in any case. Of course that is after I told my sister who and what will happen in the end. The joys of sibling rivalry. 

Do I still do it? No. Do I still read historical romances? No. So I don't need to skip to the end (I just have to mention that 50 Shades of Grey also only made it to p 70).

8. If you had a time turner, where would you go and what would you do

File:Bookofincantations.pngAfter I've read 11/22/63 by Stephen King, I realized that I don't want to go back. Erase and rewind will just create a new set of problems that you did not come with the manual with. Your current past and life you do have a manual of. I do believe in the Butterfly Effect and there is no way that I will risk losing all the wonderful books I've read already. What if you change something in your past and the Butterfly Effect is that you lose all your books? Heck no - that's a risk I won't take. It's like The Book of Incantations in NARNIA, once you've turned the page, you can never turn it back.

9. Favorite book that includes Time Travel or takes place in multiple time periods

As if you haven't guessed it! 10 Reasons why you really should read 11/22/63


10. What book/series do you wish you could go back and read it for the first time

I honestly can't think of a good answer here. But I've I go on the trend that AJ set, I will say Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I've cried for seven days and seven nights. No jokes. Luckily no floods either, but still - this book broke my heart. Maybe if I have a fresh go at it, I'll only cry for 6 days and 5 nights. 

Thalk to me!

Would you like to tag along on this Bookish Tag? Please add yourself! (I've got no idea how to do it)

Here's a couple of bloggers I would love to travel with in time:


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