The Ten Wonders of Me

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten things you probably did not know about me

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward!

It's Thursday already, but there is no way that I am missing out on this week's Top Ten Tuesday. I mean honestly, who doesn't like to talk about me? 

Image result for Who are you again?

1. I can stand upright in the entrance of the Great Pyramid of Giza. I can also walk upright in most of the passages and chambers. Measurements of the Great Pyramid

2. I've been a rather successful extra Maths instructor for 4 years. I can't do maths. (Apparently that is exactly why I'm a good instructor. I feel their pain and know that the struggle is real)

3. I've got two dogs and two cats who have never, ever heard of the Origin of the Species. There is only one species - family. There is NO WAR!

4. I've been involved in a life-long dispute with the Tooth Fairy. I've left her some money in my shoe, under my pillow and on the nightstand. But she never left the teeth. In South Africa, we don't have a 'tooth fairy', we have a "Tandmuis" (tooth mouse). This has gone on for too long now. It's time to call in The Family.

5. I live in South Africa and English is not my first language. I pray, dream and swear in Afrikaans. It is the youngest national language in the world and also one of the smallest (only about 13 million people speak Afrikaans). Afrikaans

6. I keep a book diary. Putting pen to paper

7. My favorite board-game is Clue.
"I remember very little of England, except that the house was a CLUE board out in the country. The house felt like we might be murdered in it."           Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant

I love Clue, but after 3 months of blogging - I still have NO CLUE how this bloggy thingy work. I'm just pretending to have a clue. 

8. I love books, cats, cake and tea. Oh you tooo!!! I've noticed.... Guess it's a bloggy thingy.

9. I'm left handed. (This struggle is also real)

10. I love The Sound of Music. I'm quite sure it is possible that I know all the words. StarWars and Lost are also a few of my favorite things. 

  Image result for Lost

Don't you just feel as if you've known me for years? Let's have tea. And cake. And chat about you!


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