It's Monday! What are you reading? #3

It's Monday! What are you reading? This weekly feature is hosted by Bookdate and it's a great way to get your reading week sorted. All you need to do is: 

  • Tell us what you are currently reading
  • What did you finish reading last week
  • What do you plan on reading next
  • Add your link to the linky provided by your host
  • Visit the other bloggers who also deal with terrible Mondays, but still find the time to prioritize their reading schedules
  • Make sure to read really awesome books in order to increase the above mentioned bloggers' stress levels by adding even more books to their TBR list
  • Pop a Rescue for your own nerves or pour a glass of wine and get reading 
I'm so glad that I came across this weekly feature. Once again I failed to submit a Sunday Post as I didn't have any headlines for last week. I've published the astounding number of 1 (one) (I) post last week. I know, it's punishable by severe shame. 

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Do I promise to do better this week? Let's not make any promises, but I sure will try. We are going on holiday on Friday, and there are soooo many things that need to be done before we hop on that plane. Like having my nails done and getting my hair cut and packing you know. Packing takes sooo much time. Oh, and load the kindle. 

But let's get back to the more important things in life. Like reading. 

Recently Finished:

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The Raven by Mike Nappa (Netgalley) I ended up being rather disappointed in this one. I know it is the second instalment in a series, maybe I should read the first one. Not sure it will change my mind though.

One Hundred Days of Happiness by Fausto Brizzi This one was amazing! It was a great read and definitely brought a long a couple of days of happiness. Stay put for my review (will be up later today or early tomorrow).

Currently Reading:

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Sirius by Jonathan Crown (Netgalley) Yes, this one has been on my list before, but I set it aside to get a few other Netgalley books out of the way. Just as fortune would like it, I should have stuck with this one. I didn't really enjoy any of the two I brushed the clever Sirius aside for. But like the good terrier he is, he greeted me back with a wagging tail, or in this case a welcome Heil Hitler salute.

Indiscretions of Archie by P.G. Wodehouse (Audio) I love P.G. Wodehouse, aspecially when Mark Nelson is the narator. Always the best remedy for a sour disposition.

All the birds in the sky by Charlie Jane Anders (Paperback) I hope to finish this one before Friday, my husband will not allow me to take a paperback with ("you've got a kindle, no more books"). I have been looking forward to it for quite some time!

Cross my heart, hope to read:

The following will accompany me to the clear waters and white beaches of Mauritus:

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Wishing you all a great week ahead! 


Thalk to me!

What are you reading this week?
Anything else I need to add in my beach bag?


  1. Enjoy your vacation. It sounds like you are going to an amazing place.

    I've got to find out more about the Happiness book. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Hi Debs! I'll review 100 days of happiness tomorrow. Was a great read. I am looking forward to the holiday yes!


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