The Sunday Headlines #1

Image result for the headline woman (1935)This post link up with the The Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and It's Monday! What are you reading? hosted by The Book Date. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share the next week's forecast: What are you reading, what have you just finished and what do you plan to read. And some other news that will make the headlines as well. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

Have you noticed that my post title has changed? I normally just post under The Sunday Post, but I've noticed something very strange last week. Yes, stranger than fiction. Real events. Like all the likes and hits I had on my Sunday Post last Sunday. Wait, let me start at the beginning - a very good place to start. When you read you begin with ....? YES! - THE HEADLINE. And that was all I did for last week's post. I literally only took the headlines (alteration is allowed) from the previous week's posts and linked it up. In my defense, I was really tired and had a hard week, but didn't want to miss out on my favorite weekly feature. So I kind of cheated. But apparently everybody loved it (still not quite sure if it was cheating you all loved or the headlines....). I guess a headline really is all you need. So I've decided to change my Sunday Post to The Sunday Headlines

Unfortunately, I haven't posted a lot this week. I'll have to be creative here:

How not to get LOST on a deserted island - read the debris

Feeling peckish? Eat this book - It's delicious!

Reader, I can solve your yearly goal (and get away with murder)

Spring has sprung, but it's Autumn in Oxford

Forecast for the week ahead:

Image result for Weather forecast next seven days sa

No rain predicted. On a bit more serious note - still no sign of rain. We are already experiencing very hot conditions in South Africa and the drought is just getting worse day by day. All prayers and thoughts will be much appreciated. South African drought crisis

On the reading and blogging front: I've received a new book from Netgalley and hope to start reading The Raven by Mike Nappa later tonight. I also still have my Book Club books all unopened as I was completely submerged in the new Deon Meyer novel. I will review it later this week, but my review will be in Afrikaans. Promise to do a translation as soon as the English translation are published in 2017. Hope to read One Hundred Days of Happiness this week and finally finish Jane Eyre so I can start with Jane Steele

Recently Finished

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Koors by Deon Meyer Review to follow this week
Autumn in Oxford by Alex Rosenberg Reviewed

Currently Reading

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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Still listening to it!
Sirius by Jonathan Crown Haven't continued with this delightful book in about a week. Hope to get to it this week again.
The Raven by Mike Nappa Started with this one last night and so far it is quite good.

Cross my heart hope to read

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One hundred days of happiness by Fausto Brizzi
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye


Wishing you all a great week ahead!


Thalk to me!

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What are you up to this coming week?


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