The Sunday Headlines #2 - Missing Mind reported

Image result for the headline woman (1935)This post link up with the The Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and It's Monday! What are you reading? hosted by The Book Date. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share the next week's forecast: What are you reading, what have you just finished and what do you plan to read. And some other news that will make the headlines as well. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

Greetings from the Headless Headline Woman! I'm not popular enough (yet) to stake the claim that you've noticed I've gone missing this week. Hardly spend any time on the blogosphere. Hardly spend any time anywhere worth mentioning. Least of all my mind. But I do have a whole list of excuses lined up. Actually, there's only one. But everything else spirals down from that one.

A couple of weeks ago, I've posted my inky thoughts and pondered the question, What turns you into "The girl on the train"? That wasn't just random thoughts. That is a question that I've pondered on for over three years now. The struggle is very, very real (as we love to say in Africa).

The main excuse for my absence this past week was that I was working like crazy to get all my work done for the upcoming week. I will be undergoing another ivf treatment in this week and we need to travel to our nearest fertility clinic, approximately 4 hours away. Nope it's not my first one, so yes I know what to expect. The only thing I don't know, is how to expect. Seems so easy. It's not. 

For those of you who know anything about hormones, especially the ones that get regulated by chocolate, you will know that there are a few side effects.  

 Image result for Hormone problems jokes Image result for Hormone problems jokes 

Image result for here have some chocolate

I'm not allowed to have wine. So, no. I didn't blog. Is it even possible to blog without wine? Guess I'll have to find out soon enough. (Please please please....)

I did review one book this week, Koors by Deon Meyer. Die KOORS loop hoog. It was my first Afrikaans review and it did remarkably well! Will definitely keep you guys posted as to when the English translation will be available. But I do believe I should be reading and reviewing a couple more Afrikaans books in future. It is my mother tongue after all.

I only managed one weekly feature, thus only one headline for this week: 

Nope. Nothing more.

Forecast for the week ahead:

Image result for Women hormone jokes

While waiting for my missing mind to return, I'll be solving the above equation. Might try to read a bit as well. The rest are completely unpredictable.

Recently Finished and Currently Reading (not a lot to mention here, hence the reason for pairing)

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I finally managed to finish Jane Eyre. Reader, I loved it. Might have been a bit melodramatic here and there. But so are my current state of hormones. If only I can be so unrelenting in my faith as Jane. One can learn a lesson or two on persistence from this little bird. On the topic of birds, has anyone else read The Raven by Mike Nappa yet? Or the first one in the Coffey & Hill series? I'm just about done with The Raven and it is rather enjoyable! Will hopefully finish it tonight and try to review by Tuesday. 

Cross my heart hope to read

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Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye Maybe I should leave this one till next week. Next month might even be safer. But I so want to read it. 
Sirius by Jonathon Crown Need to finish this one. This week. No excuses. Not even hormones will count. 
The other Einstein by Marie Benedict This was the first book I've requested from Netgalley that I really, really, really want to read. And I got it. Yea! Can't wait to start with it.


Wishing you all a great, hormone-free week!


Thalk to me!

Did anyone else have problems with blogger formatting today or is it just my hormones? 
What are you up to this coming week?
What will you be reading while doing that?


  1. Good luck with your IVF treatments. I wish you the best. I got approved for The Other Einstein too and I'm hoping to read it soon. I hope we both love it!

  2. Hi Erin! Thank you so much... I will let you know as soon as I start with The other Einstein!


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