Top Ten Tuesday - Serious Series I need to read Seriously

Image result for series light bulbs
It's Tuesday and time to get serious about reading series' with Top Ten Tuesday. Seriously, you need to start reading that series you've been putting off ever since Eskom first introduced load shedding. 

Personally, I don't read that many series. The problem with a series is you need to read them ALL, for if you take one out, none of the other bulbs will light up and you will be sitting in the dark. 

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But I still have the following series' on my TBR list and I haven't started with any of these. Not one book or even book one from anyone. 

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Maisie Dobbs
Flavia de Luce
Phryne Fisher

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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Dark Tower
The Mediator

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The Raven Cycle
Department Q
Temperance Brennan

I am planning to start an Afrikaans series in July that might just give me the jeebie creeps, but I am sooooo looking forward to it! Promise to sleep with the lights on. Unfortunately, no English translation yet. Promise to tell you everything.


But when do I plan to start the rest of the series'? Your guess is as good as mine. It will have to be light bulb moment.

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What series is next in line for you? And which series has blown a fuse?


This post links up with Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Remember to add your link and to share with your fellow bloggers.


  1. I'm very curious about the Raven Boys! That's on my TBR as well :)

    1. I recommend the Raven Boys to people and I haven't even read it myself!!! LOL!!! Hope it is worth the hype.

  2. I've thought about the Maisie Dobbs too, especially when I'm in my historical fiction/ mystery phase last year or so. And I never made it through Hitchiiker's Guide- can you believe it??

    LOL about bulbs.

    1. Hello! Sorry for the late reply! I don't know when I will get to the Maisie Dobbs series.... Sometimes I think I should just ignore all social media for the next ten years and just try to get through all the I WANT TO READ THAT books.

  3. I read a couple of the Maisie Dobbs but read them out of order...I want to go back and start them from the beginning. I've listened to a couple of Kathy Reichs on audio...I would get so caught up in them that I would realize a member of my family was standing in front of me calling my name and I never heard them :p I forgot all about Flavia de Luce...and I also have Cocaine Blues somewhere...gracious, more books to read! :)

    1. I know!! It really is shocking how quickly your TBR list can just double up. I'm sure that Readers are going to find the cure for prolonged life. Like 203 or something like that. Just so that we can get through all the books.... OR we really need to pray that Heaven truly are some kind of Library.

  4. I want to read Raven Boys too, they came highly recommended by other bloggers. I loved Maggie Stiefvater's Books of Faerie series. I actually started Hitchhikers Guide on audio last week but it just didn't work for me.

    1. I haven't read any Maggie Stiefvater, but I actually recommend her to people and especially High School students. LOL! Need to read one or two, just to make sure the hype is worth it.

  5. The Raven Boys is one of my all time favorites! Happy reading!

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Really need to move that to the top of the priority list then.

  6. I really love the Raven Cycle series. It's one of the best character-driven series I've ever read. I hope you get a chance to pick it up as well as all the others on your list!

    1. Guess I really really really really really have to get reading that series. Okay - I promise to have to first one in the series on my reading schedule for July!

  7. The only one of these I've read is The Raven Cycle, but I really loved that series.
    My TTT:

    1. Oh gosh.... I am starting to feel so guilty for not reading The Raven Cycle yet! Yes, it will be on my reading schedule for July.

  8. The Gunslinger (Dark Tower series) is on my TTT this week as well. I have started the Hitchhikers' series but only the first book so far. I hope to continue here in July. I hope you get the chance to start a couple of these soon and that you love them!

    1. I have a love love love love hate love love hate love love hate relationship with Stephen King. Been meaning to read The Dark Tower and I have The Gunslinger on my kindle. Maybe I should just stick through yes....


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