
Showing posts from May, 2017

Big Little Lies on BTT and Thursday Quotables

Greetings! Iv'e been a bit lazy with the weekly features the past couple of weeks. But  at least I can honestly say I've spend that time reading. Mostly. Okay, about half of that time. Let's make it a third and call it quits.  Seeing that it's a freebie day on  Book Traveling Thursdays , I can wallow in my laziness and just combine this week's BTT with Thursday Quotables hosted by  Bookshelf Fantasies .

How We Found You by J.T. Lawrence

Title: How We Found You Author:  J.T. Lawrence Series: When tomorrow calls (Book 2) Publication date: 18 May 2017 (Today!!! Launch day is TODAY!!) Read:  May 11 - 18, 2015 Genre:  Thriller; Science Fiction (Futuristic) Mareli's rating:  4 Stars Recommend to: Have you read Why you were taken?  Description:  There’s something different about Kate’s four-year-old son. He wasn’t created the old fashioned way. Now a violent cult wants him dead and Kate will do anything to protect him – until they take her daughter. In tomorrow’s world, Kate is haunted by a brutal past. Struggling to navigate a life that seems like an experiment in virtual reality, her paranoia threatens to consume her. But when someone tries to kidnap Mally, she realizes she was absolutely right to be afraid. With only hours to go before the cult's prophecy is to be fulfilled, Kate and Seth face more danger than they’ve ever imagined, desperate to keep him safe. However, the charismatic leader of the cult has oth

TTT: "Bring me her heart!" said every Stepmom in history

Ever since The Evil Queen uttered those damning words, we have all been terrified of Stepmoms. I for one, was much more afraid of The Evil Queen than I was of the Devil in the Children's Bible. No jokes.  I didn't get to celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday. But I do have a number of wonderful friends who all got to spend the day with their children. Some of those friends are stepmoms or a stepmom-to-be real soon. When I saw today's theme for  Top Ten Tuesday  (Mother's Day Related), I immediately thought of my dearest stepmom friends. Are they  all evil? I honestly don't think so.  But yes, I do believe their only request is: "Bring me her/his heart!" . Maybe just not literally all the time. Sometimes they really just want to capture their stepchildren's hearts.Thankfully Literature, the wisest of all, agrees with me. Let's have a look at a few notable Stepmoms in literature:

Friday Meets - 12 May 2017

My goodness - it's Friday again.  Time sure flies lately, but are we having fun? As long as there's a book lying on your bedside table and a kindle in your bag, of course we are! Meet me on Friday @  Friday 56  for a bit of  Book Blogger Hop   to kick-start the weekend with  Book Beginnings .

Misverstand deur Marita van der Vyver

Titel: Misverstand Skrywer:  Marita van der Vyver Uitgewer: Penguin Random House SA Publikasie datum:  Maart 2017 Bladsye:  270 (sagteband) My gradering:  2 Sterre Beveel aan vir lesers van: Marita van der Vyver (dis nie 'n genre  nie, ek weet, maar dit is 'n onmisbare stem).  As jy worstel met die vraag,  Wroeg jy met jou middelmatigheid?  Kort opsomming:  Willem Prins bewandel die strate van Parys. Eens was hy op koers om ’n gerekende skrywer in Suid-Afrika te word, maar na jare se probeer wink die koue water van die Seine – miskien sal sy verdrinking sy boekverkope bietjie opstoot, dink ’n swartgallige Willem. Tot sy skaamte is dit die erotika wat hy onder ’n skuilnaam skryf wat hom na Frankryk gebring het. Terug na die stad waar een van sy drie eksvroue saam met sy oudste seun woon, ’n jong man wat sy pa skaars ken. Vir Willem is Parys nie juis die stad van liefde nie, maar dit is hier waar hy vir Jackie ontmoet, ’n jong Suid-Afrikaner wat as au pair werk. Dit is ook sy wa

Why you were taken by J.T. Lawrence

Title:  Why You Were Taken Author: J.T. Lawrence Published by:  Pulp Books Publication date:  29 March 2015 Read:  April 25 - April 30, 2015 Genre:  Thriller; Science Fiction (Futuristic) Pages:  358 ISBN:   9780620655583 Mareli's rating: 3.5 stars Recommend to:  Sci-fi junkies who love the thrill of something "different". J.T. Lawrence's fan-club (this woman can write!) Description:  In tomorrow's world prowls a creative and ruthlessly efficient assassin who won't stop until Kirsten is killed. A troubled woman approaches Kirsten with a warning and a key and is later found dead. Was the woman just another victim of the Suicide Contagion or is there something more sinister at play? The key leads Kirsten to the Doomsday Vault and a hit list of seven people - and her barcode is on it. Edgy and original, Why You Were Taken is a dark cinematic thriller that will keep you guessing till the last page. Goodreads   Nah, that blurb just doesn't do enough

Library Card May 2017

Greetings! Another month has passed and it's been a rather hectic time at the new house. Renovations and alterations and gardening and all those housy thingies that keep you from reading and blogging. So when the looong weekend in SA finally arrived on Thursday, I was all excited to just relax and take it easy.  I actually had a number of posts planned and all the books from  April's Library Card  lined up for completion. Alas.... Maybe this house is haunted. It keeps beckoning to me. It keeps pulling me away from the books.....   Nah. Or at least I don't think so. I love my new house. Nothing weird here. Or scary.  I'm just making excuses for not completing my Library List. But let's have a quick look at what I did finish in April: