Library Card July 2017

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Greetings! No, there is no need to double check. Yes, it is July and not June and I did not fill in my library card for June. And yes, the world is still turning. *Wipe brow* I've actually managed to read quite a few books lately. Even without my faithful Library Card.

Recently Finished:

*Book covers link to my own sensible or senseless thoughts*

34564330 35107691 34041276

Note: "Misverstand" is an Afrikaans title and my review is also in Afrikaans. Should you wish to read the book or find out more about it, it is available in English - You Lost Me

19486412 34814293 8835356

Note: "Plaasmoord" is also Afrikaans. The book is available in English - Weeping Waters

29347945 11300065 22438875

Note: Yes, "Dubbelspel is also Afrikaans. No, it is not available in English. So sorry.

Stacking the Shelves in May/June: 

Purchased (or even better - for free!)

30899323 28233082 34891002 19233969
34950293 31821944 The Will to Power (One God Book 1) by [Mlek, Kata] 32939361


I didn't visit Netgalley this month. Not even once. Still don't know if I should be proud of myself or if that is actually a bad thing.

Book Club

22438875  29817687 18582003

Note: Yes, all three of these are Afrikaans titles. No English translations. Yet. But the covers are nice.

22041696 22752718 33151805

Note: Yes, "Onse Vaders" is Afrikaans. Once again. But yes! It is available in English: Our Fathers

Now that's enough books on display. Need to get reading here. Let's have look at my Library Card for July:

Paperback/Hardcover (all from my Book Club)

 22752718 33151805 22041696


Seeing that I don't have any ARC's or urgent Netgalley books, I am going to take my Kindle as it comes this month. There are more than enough titles to browse from on the current library and it might be fun to just click on any one and start reading. But I do hope to read the following as my opinion, thoughts and feelings were requested for both. So I might as well give my weight in words.

363498 370493 

 What books did you finish recently? And what do you plan to read in July?

This post links up with Stacking the Shelves and It's Monday! What are you reading? Hosted by The Book Date. Remember to add your linkies and to visit the other participants! 


Wishing you all a great week and reading month ahead.



  1. I also recently purchased Girl in the Ice. Planning to read it next month. Glad what you'll think about the book.

    1. I will let you know when I get to it, then we can exchange notes. When about do you plan to start reading it?

    2. That's a great idea! Somewhere in the middle/last part of July.

    3. Great! It's going to be fun. I've listed it for the week starting 17 July. Will stay in touch.

  2. I really like the cover of Dubbelspel. Maybe one of these days it will come out in English (but what are the chances the cover will stay the same?). I have only read one Moriarty book and really liked it. Both the ones you mention are on my wish list. I'm curious about Into the Water, although I keep hearing mixed thoughts on it. I'm trying to think if anyone I know who has read it liked it . . . I liked Girl on the Train though and so will likely try it to see for myself. :-)

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Hello! I've decided not to listen or read any comments on Into the Water. YET. I first want to read it and then I'll hear everybody else's opinions.

      I hope that there will be a translation for Dubbelspel soon. It is a good story, not the strongest characters ever, but the story carries enough weight.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a good week!

  3. Wow, lots of new books. I haven't visited netgalley as well. I'm planning to read and review the ones I'm currently reading and then start to request again. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Anyway, enjoy your books. Have a wonderful week. :)

  4. A new book by Louis Zamperini? That's a wonderful idea! Must look for it.

  5. So many good books in this post! I have Big Little Lies on my bookshelf but have yet to read it. I also want to read My Cousin Rachel before watching the movie. Enjoy your new books!

  6. What a lovely looking haul! I am curious about The Serial Killer's Daughter.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week!

  7. Wow so many books here! Huge score for sure. I am not familiar with most of them but they look pretty awesome. Hope you have a great time reading all these new lovelies though it looks like you have made great reading progress as well!

  8. Wow...what a great collection of books read and to be read.

    LOVE it.

    A SKY FULL OF STARS is catching my eye.

    You always have such cute graphics.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  9. A kindle is great and always seems to be full of books that are waiting to be read so that's admirable that you are getting on to yours. Enjoy the Picoult and Moriarty books.

  10. So many people I know are reading My Cousin Rachel right now. Drama camp was a hit with my daughter. My son is doing well with cross country. And our big move is less than two weeks away! Come see what I've been reading

  11. So many good looking books... I'm a Liane Moriarty fan so obvs Big Little Lies and Truly Madly guilty got my attention. :) And Girl in the Ice I'm WAY curious for!

    By the way, just so you know I'm tagging you in a post I have going up tomorrow. No obligation of course- ignore if you like, but just wanted to give you a heads up. :)

  12. I enjoyed this post!

    I followed your blog, and I would sincerely appreciate it if you checked out my book reviews blog at and possibly give it a follow as well! Excited to read more of your posts!

    - El


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