Friday Meets 15 December 2017

Image result for funny scrooge memesHow many Fridays do we have left? Before Christmas? After Christmas? I am seriously suffering from a bit of Scrooge syndrome the past couple of weeks. In more ways than one. Some good, some bad. But I do believe it is Friday and that means we can talk books. I can still do that. 

Meet me on Friday @ Friday 56 for a bit of Book Blogger Hop to kick-start the weekend with Book Beginnings

Let's start with Book Beginnings for a change. Why leave new things for the new year when trying them out in the old year is just as good? This weekly feature is hosted by Gilion @ Rose City ReaderEvery Friday we share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

I've got a good old Christie listed today. And it comes with a confession. I've read and re-read so many Agatha Christie books. I especially enjoy reading the book and then watch the adaptation. There's been numerous adaptations of her work and most of them are also of such good quality that you can watch them again and again. So here comes my dreadful confession:

I've seen just about all the adaptations for Murder on the Orient Express, but I've never, ever read the book. Please forgive me, for I know that must be a gravely punishable sin. 

Image result for murder on the orient express adaptations  Image result for murder on the orient express adaptations  Image result for murder on the orient express adaptations

I haven't seen the latest adaptation yet and I am desperate to do so, but my strict Dutch Reform conscience is weighing hard on me. So I've decided to read the book before I run for the popcorn giggly-tasty machine coca-cola.

9571725Book Beginning: (I'm skipping the first paragraph, it's the second one that makes your bum get cozy in the seat)

By the step leading up into the sleeping-car stood a young French lieutenant, resplendent in uniform conversing, with a small man muffled up to the ears of whom nothing was visible but a pink-tipped nose and the two points of an upward-curled moustache.

Next stop is at Freda over at Freda's Voice for Friday 56. Just bring the following:

  • Grab a book (Yes, any book. But it might get you to your other Friday activities a bit quicker if you just grab the book you are currently reading)
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader
  • Find a sentence or two (your other Friday activities might determine this)
  • Post it!
  • Remember to post your link on Freda's Voice and to visit the other guys in the linky.
  • And don't forget to list the title of the book and the author as well.
A couple of months back, I couldn't stop talking about Tannie Maria. The leading character in South African author Sally Andrew's Tannie Maria mystery series. I honestly can't explain what is the most entertaining of these books. The characters, the writing style, the quirky Afrikaans translations or the recipes. In In recipes for love and murder, the food is to die for. Me and some of my friends have tried a few of her recipes, and jislaaik - it's delicious! The second book in the series, The Satanic Mechanic, is just as entertaining. I am at (believe it or not! Okay, I planned it) exactly 56%!


I put the malva pudding in the oven, and we sat next to each other at the stoep table and ate to the sound of crickets and frogs, and Kosie munching his celery. (Malva pudding is a traditional South African pudding made with apricot jam. It reaalllly is delicious. Kosie is a pet lamb.)

Our final stop for today is The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings of a coffee addicted writer. Every week they will pop a question that you need to answer. Post your answer to your blog, enter your post to the linky provided, make yourself a cup of coffee and go visit the other blogs in the list. 

Today's questions: Which book(s) would you like Santa to bring you this year?

Dear Santa,

Please can you bring me an illustrated edition of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It will be greatly appreciated if you can find an edition with a mirror stuck on the first page or just behind the cover. So that I can look into it and get a serious fright. Not for the 3 ghosts lurking in the background, but to remind me not to be such a Scrooge. It really isn't that bad. And that Christmas is a time for peace and love and giving and forgiving. I will send you a private note for other recipients I believe can do with such a book.  

Love always,




  1. Great excerpts! I am very curious about The Satanic Mechanic. Thanks for sharing both books...and for visiting my blog.

    1. The whole Tannie Maria Mystery series comes highly recommended by yours truly.

      Thanks for returning the favor!

  2. Interesting book choices. This week I'm reading Crimson Death by Laurell K. Hamilton from my TBR mountain. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kathy! Will hop over to you to have a look.

      Happy weekend!

  3. I haven't seen the latest adaption of it, but I have read Murder on the Orient Express. It's one of my favorite Agatha Christie books.

    1. Hi Breana! I do plan to do a book to movie tie-in with Murder on the Orient Express, so I will keep you guys posted on my inky thoughts and feelings.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I'm really looking forward to seeing the newest adaptation. Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Ashley!

      Can't wait to go and see the latest adaptation.

      Hope you are having a good weekend.

  5. I like the mix of featuring a classic and a newer novel. Nice choices!

    1. Hi Catherine!

      Thanks! I normally read more than one book at a time. Mostly a classic and more contemporary one and of course different genres.

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. I really like the description in this 56. I'm feeling a little over the holidays myself. Hopefully I can regain some Christmas spirit before the 25th rolls around. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Ag I love Tannie Maria. She knows how to cheer you up and just have a good laugh.

      It's raining here, sure doesn't help to make me get into the Christmas spirit.... But still a couple of days to go, so let's see!

  7. Love all your choices this week! The Murder on the Orient Express is probably in my top ten Agatha Christies. I love all the details she puts in. I think I pick up something new every time I've read it. I JUST finished A Christmas Carol. Have you read it? You really must! It's wonderful. Have a lovely weekend my separated at birth twin!

    1. Sooo true, there is always something new that pops up with this book.

      I've read A Christmas Carol years ago and listened to the audio recording last week. Beautiful. Glad you've enjoyed it too.

      Hope you are having a good weekend!

  8. Hi Mareli,

    I also have to confess the ultimate crime of not having read 'Murder On The Orient Express' despite being an avid Christie fan. I think this is just one of those titles I have watched every film and television adaptation of and the book itself has simply slipped off my radar.

    A work colleague and I desperately wanted to watch the latest film version, but working in retail anywhere near to Christmas means that we were unable to get any time off together. We have decided to wait for the DVD release and arrange our own film evening at one of our houses, after evicting both husbands for the night of course!

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy the book :)


    1. Hi Yvonne!

      Now that is also a good idea! Then you can discuss the book and give comments and chew you popcorn and sip your cooldrink without anyone giving you a death stare.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I'm a bit scrooged this year too. I didn't decorate at all. I bought a poinsettia. That can be my tree. I am all about gifting this year. Most people only care about that part anyways. And I'm making dinner, well, at least for my hubby and myself. Not sure if anyone else is coming... lol
    Yeah, humbug!
    Love Agatha Christie's book, and want to see the new film for it. The 56 book sounds good too! Happy weekend!

    1. A poinsettia is always a good idea and it does remind one of Christmas. So well done to you.I might just follow suit!

      Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend Freda.


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