Library Card - June 2016

What to read in June 2016

My library card for June doesn't reflect a 1900's dance card (aka 'Wallflower') anymore. It is filled up and I've been adding names and titles for the past two weeks already. If all of these will get a twirl on the bookish dance floor, we'll have to wait and see.... I solemnly swear that I will try my utmost best. Who needs sleep?


 15984269 20890479

23346361 25746670


177515 6088236 15757582
20170404 22055262 16339

Guess I need to start dancing here.... (Does anybody else hear ABBA in their heads as well? And have you noticed how easy it is to just replace the words dancing queen with reading queen??)

Currently reading

10644930 17184 


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