Cover characteristics

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted by

This week's cover characteristic is: 

Alcoholic beverages


Right ho, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse. Next to wine, I can highly recommend this as an excellent remedy for a sour disposition.

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The Portuguese cover of Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding features not one, but two lovely bottles of wine. And we all know just how much she loved her wine....
Image result for bridget jones quotes about drink

Five little pigs by Agatha Christie is on my TBR list for April. Will keep you posted.

The Last of the Wine 9917957

I haven't read The last of the wine by Mary Renault, but from The Goodreads description I take it you might need a nice big jar as featured in this cover photo. And may you not have to utter the words: "This is the last of the wine".

I am quite sure that I won't be the only one featuring Drink Slay Love by Sarah Beth Durst, but I might be the only one not going to read it. Nice cover though.


  1. YOu picked some great ones! Drink Slay Love is probably my favorite. Great picks!
    Check out my Covers

  2. Drink Slay Love is probably my favorite- love that one! These are all good though- I think I like Five Little Pigs next and then maybe the Bridget Jones one.

  3. I like the Agatha Christie cover! Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark


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