September Library Card: The Hostage Drama Continues

Welcome back to Mareli Thalk ink. We are broadcasting life from Mrs Thalwitzer's living room where the Take the Books Hostage-drama has now entered its second month. Over to you Bruce: 

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I think we are on a completely different story here Bruce. Let's see if our anchor man, Evan, can share more light on the hostage situation:

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It does appear as if we are not being taken seriously here. And that while all the poor books are still being held captive by an Evil Queen in the making. (Whahaahaaahaaa....)

We had our monthly My Book Club can read between the wines meeting on Monday. Seeing that it was my turn to play host, I also got to keep all the lovely hostages for a whole month. At the end of the evening, they were left behind. Yes, just like that. No "I'll come back for you" cards or "I'll be back" voice threats. Just left behind. I guess that means I get to keep them. For now. 

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Just in case someone comes running in claiming they are their babies, I have made a list of the ones I'll quickly hide in the closet. And sneak back in at the next meeting. After the third or fourth bottle of wine.

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I have high hopes for my Kindle this month too. Especially due to the fact that I have a couple of roll-overs from August. And July. Okay, and June.

Roll over. Play dead. 

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We might be planning a short getaway the last week of September. If that sees the light of day, these are the books I want to read in that glorious light:

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Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith My husband wants to watch the movie. I first want to read the book. That's one argument I usually win.
Jane Steele by Lindsay Fay STILL listening to Jane Eyre as an audio recording. As soos as I'm done, I want to read this one.

Currently Reading

Image result for sawyer reading in Lost gifKoors by Deon Meyer No, don't try to read it. Or do and let me know how you pronounce it! This is the new novel by one of my favorite South African authors, Deon Meyer. It is currently only available in Afrikaans, but the English translation will be available early in 2017. I promise to stalk you with this book until then. I'm just over 50% and I can already predict that this will be one of my top ten favorites for 2016. Think The Stand by Stephen King, or The Divergent Series. Or my all time favorite tv-series Lost. Whoo hoo! After a rather crappy week, I can't be happier than being stuck in this book.

That's all for this late-night edition on Mareli Thalk Ink. Please stay tuned for the latest updates on the current hostage situation.


Thalk to me!

What is on your Library Card for September? Any roll-overs?


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