Cover Characteristics - The ELEPHANT in the room

Image result for Elephant in the room jokes

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted by Sugar and Snark. Every week they give us these gorgeous themes and then you have to pick 5 covers featuring that theme. If you want to participate: 
  • Pick your covers 
  • Post it to your blog
  • Share your post's URL in the linky provided by Sugar and Snark
  • Go and check out the other guys who also posted! 
Greetings! Today is the day that we deal with the elephant in the room. Seriously, the elephant needs to be acknowledged today and allowed to go free..... 

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The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra by Vaseem Khan - I haven't read this one, but I know my old Book Club has it in circulation this year. Apparently it is well worth the read. (Need to start a new Book Club now)

Dumbo by Helen Aberson Everybody's favorite elephant! Quite sure that he was never ignored and nobody ever pretended that he's not in the room.

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Elephants can remember by Agatha Christie Yes, I will always be able to find an Agatha Christie novel to use for any post. She is the ultimate "go to" author. But seriously, this is a great novel. Think I'll read it again.

Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell This is a collection of essays by another great author. The title story deals with Mr Orwell's painfull account as a police officer in Imperial Burma on killing an escaped elephant in front of a crowd (he didn't want to look like a fool you know)

Elephant Song by Wilbur Smith I don't ever want to read this book.

My favorite elephant in any room at any time forever and ever:

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Circles in a Forest by Dalene Matthee No matter how many books I will have on my Read shelf when I die one day, this book will always be one of my top 5 favorite reads. It was originally published in my mother tongue, Afrikaans, hence the reason for the two covers. I know plenty of Afrikaans people who will claim "Kringe in 'n bos" is the best book ever. Mostly because it is the only book they had ever read.... Be that as it may, it really is one of the best books. Ever. 


Are we going to talk about the elephant in your room as well? You are welcome to get it out in the open and share your favorite book covers featuring elephants with me 


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