Thursday Quotables #4 - The Light Between Oceans

I don't do a Thursday Quotable every week, heck - I haven't done one in months! I haven't really read anything notable or quotable in months. And then I came across this book..... The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman and I simply can't stop quoting and unquoting. Funny how the right book can cross your path at just the right time. There are so many beautiful quotes and passages in this book that just speak to my heart so dearly at the moment.
"Like the wheat fields where more grain is sown than can ripen, God seemed to sprinkle extra children about, and harvest them according to some indecipherable calendar."
"It is a luxury to do something that serves no practical purpose: the luxury of civilization."
"Your family is never in your past. You carry it around with you everywhere."
"We can't rightly ever talk about the future, if you think about it. We can only talk about what we imagine, or wish for. It's not the same thing."
"Violet had wanted to wail with her, to tear her hair and tell her she knew the grief of losing the firstborn: how nothing - no person, no money, no thing that this earth could offer - could ever make up for that and that the pain would never, never go away."
"That sort of experience either gives you a taste for death or a thirst for life"

Have you read The Light Between Oceans?
What was your favorite quote from it?
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