You take my s(h)elf, you take my s(h)elf control - *ohoho ohoho*
I for one do not have a lot of things under control at the moment, least of all my TBR list. And unless I press delete (*gasp* Oh the shock and horror of even considering that), it is not going to be sorted anytime soon. But I guess if you want to move a mountain, you have to start kicking a few rocks.
Here's the rules for the challenge: (Yup, I did copy/paste here. The "me" is Kimberly, not me)
Link-up! This is open to everyone. If you do not have a blog then link your Goodreads account. It is a good idea to friend me if your shelves are private.
Create a Goals/Updates/Results post (can be combined) It can also be a shelf on Goodreads. Be sure to friend me, so I can see it. Friend me: Kimberly
Begins midnight March 1st, 2017 and ends March 31, 2017 at 11:59 pm.
Read/listen to books from your TBR pile.
ALL books/audios must have been published before March 1, 2017. I don’t care where you got them, so old ARCS count too!
Post a review to Goodreads, or your blog then link it to the Rafflecopter for an entry. ( these can be mini review)
You can combine events, challenges etc.
No novellas for this one peeps. Page count must be over 100 pages to qualify. Yes any book over 100 pages, even graphic novels.
The rafflecopter will only allow you to enter up to two books daily, so update as soon as you finish a book.
Use hashtag #TakeControlTBR
Twitter Party March 15th @ 7 pm (CST) The Ides of March. Come chat about books you have read and win prizes.
24-hour TBR read-a-thon Saturday, March 18th (sign-up will post in February) Grab your snacks, snuggle up and read until you drop! Instagram challenges and more.
Earn extra entries for participating in the Twitter Party and 24-hour TBR read-a-thon
Okay. Let's do this! These are the rocks I plan on moving in March:

I'm still working on a reading schedule for 2017. Normally I have all challenges lined up by December and everything is planned for the next year. I actually like the idea of the TBR challenge so much, I think I am going to stick with it through the year. In other words, only read from my TBR list (except for ARC's, of course). Not that it will make a significant impact. But just maybe I can get it sorted out and scale it down to A movable feast. Wait, I don't have that one on my TBR list...
And that's my problem! I have no s(h)elf, I have no s(h)elf control....

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