The Sunday Post - 22 May 2016

Sunday 22 May 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

Helllloooooo all you lovely people out there!! 

Yes, I am trying to sound like the lovely Mrs Doubtfire. I need the image of Mrs
Doubtfire or Maria/Mary (same same) or I will even settle for Nanny Mcphee. I need to think of puppies and rainbows and nannies who provide sugar in your medicine and not be called Sugar. 


   Image result for maria from sound of music  Image result for mary poppins

May I start with the let-down of my week. The literal let-down. I let myself put a book down. 

According to Yes

This is not a very common occurrence, I don't like to hurt a book's feelings. But the problem with this book is that it is common (like in "common with a capital K". You might have to be South African to understand that expression) and it doesn't have any feelings. Or regards for anyone who might have feelings. And this is very very sad. I actually rooted for this novel on my Friday Meets post. I honestly thought this might by a light-hearted, fun-filled novel. Good for a weekend read. Maybe it is fun-filled - just not my type of fun. Maybe it is light-hearted - my heart might just be heavier set. 

Yes, I am upset about this let-down. From all sides involved here. The character descriptions of this book was sooooo good:

  • The door opened and standing there is a short, stocky woman of massive immediate presence. I am also short and stocky, would love to be of massive immediate presence.
  • Rosie is a radiator, she will always risk an over-smile to channel some warmth into the room. She is a megawatt optimist and Teflon when it comes to the judgement of others.
  • Three is a more cautious lad than Red, who is a washing machine of continuous energy cycles.
  • He has a Sunday kind of body, which is taking time off from exercise and not giving a toss. 
However, the rest of this novel is utter bollox. 

Image result for mrs doubtfire quotes

Okay, now that is off my chest. That heavy hearted one. The rest of my week was blue skies on the Blogging Front.

Cover Characteristics  I am still going through the Bonnie Tyler soundtrack in my mind.

Unfortunately, no book reviews. Maybe because I didn't finish anything..... 

I am currently reading:

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  • King Solomon's Mines - I am listening to this on Librivox and enjoy it a lot!
  • 11/22/63 - So far so good. 
  • The mystery box - Meh. But for reading on the treadmill, it is sufficient. 

For the rest of the week, I might be absent from the Blogging Front for a day or two as I need to travel to Pretoria to go see a dental specialist. 

For the rest of the night, I am contemplating which movie to watch: The Sound of Music or Frozen (let it gooooooo!!).

Wishing you all a lovely week!! 



  1. It's always a bummer when a book doesn't work out. Sorry to hear that... but it happens. They can't all be great I guess. :) I'm really curious about King Solomon's Mines, I've never read it. Maybe listening would be a good way to go if I ever do give it a shot.

    1. I will keep you posted on King Solomon's Mines. It really is quite good, a bit Indiana Jones.... We've watched the 1985 movie adaptation with Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone, not the book at all!


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