Top Ten Tuesday

This week's Top Ten:

Top ten childhood characters we'd like to revisit as adults

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature/weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week they post a 'Top Ten' list and everyone is welcome to join. Just link back to The Broke and the Bookish and add your name to the linky.

It is my first time joining the Top Ten Tuesday and I know that I am most probably dating my age with this post. Oh well - count your age by the books that fill your shelves (and memories) and the friends that surround you!

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 #1. Heidi by Johanna Spyri - I loved Heidi and Peter and "Oupa se snor" (Grandpa's mustache). The fact that my first  theater performance was as the adorable Heidi, might also have some importance to me.

#2. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - My aunt read Anne of Green Gables to me and my sister long before we could understand a word of English. She just translated as she went on. I remember as a little girl, I hoped and prayed ever so hard alongside Anne for a bossom friend and a kindred spirit. Thankfully my prayers were also answered. (Funny enough - my bossom friend's little girl has bright red hair....)

#3. Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter - I watched the movie over and over and just one more time please. Only read the book when I was a bit older, but enjoyed it as well.

#4. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren - My hair was very similar when I grew up. Would love to see what her hair looks like today. I can now give her plenty useful advice and good product recommendations.

#5.  James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl - My first Roald Dahl (although I've read it in Afrikaans, it had exactly that cover!!) We had a couple of peach trees in the yard. There were always a few pips stashed in my drawers. You never knew when an old man is going to give you a magic potion. Need to be prepared.

#6. Dick Whittington and his cat by Marcia Brown - Yes, we know what happened to him and I even read the "true" events later on. But this boy with his snow-white cat was one of my favourite childhood friends. 

#7. Saartjie by Bettie Naude - This was a series of Afrikaans books about a very clever and naughty girl called Saartjie. We all wanted to be Saartjie or at least be one of her friends.

#8. Trompie by Topsie Smith - The boy version of Saartjie. Also in Afrikaans. He had a gang that was called "Die Boksombende". It didn't matter if you were a boy or a girl, we all had our own versions of "Die Boksombende". I wanted to marry Trompie one day. Thank heavens I didn't.

#9. Die swart kat by Chris Sasner - This will translate to "The black cat" and no, it is not the Afrikaans version of the famous Edgar Allan Poe story. Although - this "cat" also sniffed out thugs and vagabonds and appeared where you never expected him to be..... 

#10. Liewe Heksie by Verna Vels - Translate to "The beloved little witch" and Livinia was the love of my childhood heart. She was, and will forever be my favourite childhood character. Everything I need to know in life, I've learned from her, Blommie Kabouter and Koning Rosekrans.  Liewe Heksie - she could never remember her magic spells, but she always knew the real magic.


  1. I was so close to adding both James and Anne to my list! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

    1. I love visiting your blog! Also something that catches my attention.


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