The Sunday Post - 29 May 2016

Sunday 29 May 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

Winter is coming to South Africa! Next week it is officially winter in the southern hemisphere. Time for red red wine, read red books and  wear a red coat. 

This past week we had more than one day where the temperature dropped below 20 degrees Celsius in Nelspruit. Yes, that is considered as very, very cold here. But if this were you:

you would be cold too! 

No, those are not statues. Those are real giraffes and zebras grazing right on our doorstep. No, they are not dangerous. Unless you are grass or a tree aloe. 

I've finished King Solomon's mines on Thursday and just realized for the gazillionth time how blessed we are to live in South Africa. Yes, we have a parliament of baboons (in the Kruger National Park - what did you think I referred to?) 

Image result for parliament of baboons 

But we have Table Mountain, The Big Five, lovely weather and very friendly people. 

Image result for best landmarks of South Africa Image result for the big five wallpaper

Image result for sunny day in South AfricaImage result for toothless smile in South Africa 

I had a fun time reviewing King Solomon's Mines and I believe I've succeeded in convincing myself that the rest of those treasures are somewhere, right here, under our noses. 

King Solomon's mines was the highlight of my week. The rest of the week was dull and disappointing on the reading front. I've finished The Mystery Box by Eva Pohler and I was very disappointed. If it wasn't for the let down last week Friday with According to yes, this book would also have landed on the abandoned shelve. But letting two books down in one week is maybe just a bit to harsh for my literary heart.  But if you like day-time-soap-operas, you might enjoy the Mystery Box. I do believe my grandma would have. She loved her daytime soap operas. She used to watch Santa Barbara while recording The Young and the Restless. Then she would watch Days of your lives while recording The Bold and the Beautiful. (Yes! I am still talking VCR here). And then she would watch Egoli while preparing supper in the kitchen. After supper and when everybody went to bed, she would watch all the recorded episodes. If by any chance (this happened about every second day) Tannie Anna (her sister) missed any of the recorded ones, she would watch them all again with her.  And then people wonder why I prefer books over television.

In my defense, there wasn't that much time for reading this week. I spend two whole days in Pretoria driving up and down from orthodontist to maxillo-facial and oral surgeon to prosthodontist and back. Not much fun. I am currently busy drafting a letter to the Tooth Fairy to try and see if maybe we can make a deal: If I leave her some money in my shoe, would she be willing to leave me some magical teeth please? And maybe a magical jaw as well if it is not too much to ask for. 

  Image result for the tooth fairy rise of the guardians  Image result for The tooth fairy

I did quickly post my Cover Characteristics on Monday, but didn't get to Tuesday Top Ten this week. I was also a couple of hours late with posting the Friday Meets, but at least I got to do it!

Currently reading: 

10644930 2153405

Hope you are all going to have a lovely week. If you happen to spot the Tooth Fairy, please send her my way. Much obliged! 


  1. Nice pics! Looks beautiful there- and to have those animals so close? Amazing.

    I've always been fascinated by King Solomon's Mines but have never read it. The whole concept intrigues me though, I will go read your review.

    1. Hi Greg! Yes, it is amazing. Not all of South Africa is like this though hey... We just live in an Eco Estate close to Kruger National Park. Our front garden is completely open, so I had to redo the flower beds in front 4 times already..... They eat everything!!! We have an electric fence at the back, because we have two Labradors. Although the monkeys still get in, but they are great friends.

  2. It must be so cool to have zebras and giraffes visit you! My dog is animal aggressive, and he would totally hate it if another animal came to the door (though he's 15 pounds, so he wouldn't be able to do much). Hope that you have a good week! :)

    1. LOL!! We actually have two dogs. Our back garden is enclosed with an electric fence, so only the monkeys and the porcupine gets in at the back. Our dogs aren't aloud to go to the front, but if they spot any animal in front - they go crazy! Thanks for visiting and hope you will have a lovely week.

  3. South Africa looks amazing, my cousin visited last year and she was blown away by it, the coast especially looks beautiful.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks for visiting Heather! South Africa really does have beautiful and diverse scenery. You might find the following interesting as well. South Africa Wishing you a great week.


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