The Sunday Post

Sunday 08 May 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

After the mini mid-term break, the past week was rather busy regarding classes and lessons. I still need to learn the art of juggling classes, home, husband and blog all at the same time. I've always been in awe of professional jugglers, I could hardly hit one ball with a tennis racket and always closed my eyes when a ball were thrown to me. I honestly don't have any ball sense, books make sense to me and I welcome them with open arms and eyes wide open.

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I haven't really spend much time in developing anything "new" on the blog, mainly just maintaining what I currently can do. Which is not all that much... But hey - I'm not running away or crouching from this ball, so I'm still in the game. 

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On a ball of a different game: I've posted my Library Card on Tuesday. My Library Card is currently quite similar to a nineteen century dance card. You know the cards bearing the names of a lady's prospective dance partners at a formal dance or ball.

In comparison with some of the "books to read" lists that I see on some other blogs, mine is rather dull and boring and short. I suspect I might be a bit of a wall flower. 

I didn't take part in Cover Characteristics (hosted by Sugar & Snark) this week, but I did try my hand at The Tuesday Top Ten (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish). I had a fun time strolling down Memory Lane, the theme was "Top ten childhood characters we would like to revisit as adults". My list was endless - books and their hosted characters have been life-long friends. I had such a lovely time with all those old friends, I got a bit side-tracked on the instructions of the theme. Some of my students would have had a good chuckle on this one. I think some of the words I utter most in class are: "READ THE INSTRUCTIONS".

I only reviewed one book, When God was a rabbit by Sarah Winman. I enjoyed it, mainly due to the beautiful wordplay by the author. If you like a book for more than just the story being told, this one will be to your liking.

I finished The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce on Friday, still need to write a review though. I just wished that I started writing the review while reading. Like Harold's walk, you have to be "on the road" to truly experience this book. 

The weekend was kicked off again with Friday 56 and Book Beginnings. 

I am currently reading:

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Both are very entertaining in opposite ways. I do hope to finish with "Tannie Maria" this week, but 11/22/63 might take a couple of late nights for a week or two more.

Happy reading to you all for the upcoming week! 

I need to remember that it is the Bout a Book read-a-thon this week....


  1. I totally get the juggling thing. Sometimes I'm like yes I got this and other all those balls just fall right on my head. That Stephen King book looks interesting, I'm not a big Stephen King fan, but I might take a look at it. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Hi Shandy! I'm also not the biggest Stephen King fan, but I've read a few that I really enjoyed. Have you read The Stand? And the Bill Hodges trilogy (Mr Mercedes and Finders Keepers) are awesome. Thanks for stopping by! Lovely week to you as well.

  2. Don't feel bad about your TBR, mine's pretty short too (compared to some). I don't have hundreds of books, I just have maybe a dozen or so in more or less order coming up. I try not to look too far ahead. Like your thoughts about your library card- that's kinda neat!

    And yes juggling blogging and real life can be tough- I always say just do what you can and it all works out. :)

  3. Ha! My TBR list is probably shorter than others as I really don't allow myself to buy any books and I only used the library when having a book blogging break at Christmas.

    I completely understand the juggling thing though as I've been the same lately.

  4. I am forever pushing When God Was a Rabbit on people! I am glad you enjoyed it.
    The juggling thing is so true! I've been wrapping up my Uni module whilst trying to keep up with blogging and my regular life and it doesn't always work out! (I also can't juggle for real either!)

    1. There is only one other lady in my book club (the one with wine and food, not the cyber ones) who has read this and she was also delighted that I've enjoyed it so much. Think I might also start pushing it under people's noses. My current definite push is "Recipes of love and murder" by Sally Andrew.

  5. Sometimes just keeping up with your blog is enough without adding anything on. I love Stephen King, but that book just doesn't sound like one I'd like. So I haven't read it yet. Hope you have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post


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