Top Ten Tuesday - Ten books I've bought right this second

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward! 

Today's Top Ten Tuesday's theme is: Ten books you'd buy right this second if someone handed you a fully loaded Gift Card. 

Need to take a deep breath here. That sentence is way to long to utter in one breath. Especially when talking about books - which as you know, tends to leave us breathless to start with. So I just shortened it to my own preference:

Ten books I've just bought! 
(for real, I can show the receipts)

I'm not a big spender, but once a year I go on a book-shopping-spree. This is due to my membership to the world's most amazing Book Club, My Book Club can read between the wines (we are actually called 'The Reading Society', but that sounds to much like a bunch of dead poets. Let's stick to the winy name). Every year each member gets a change to go buy books for the club. R1,000 will definitely not buy you ten books, but a loving husband can make up the difference. So yes! I've just purchased TEN BOOKS!

5 Hardcover/Paperbacks

25372801 29056083 

25735012 28175279 25820446

5 E-books/Kindle


I've bought the last one simply because I fee like the Luckiest Girl Alive today. And I have seen it around the blogosphere. Hope it doesn't disappoint. 

Now I have all these lovely books, but I can't read them yet. No, really. I won't. I need to read the other Book Club books first. August Library Card. It's just 27 days to go.

Thalk to me!

What books will you buy if you were the luckiest girl alive today?
Have I made good or bad choices here?



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