ARC August 2016

Welcome to the 4th Annual ARC August - All August, all the ARC's. This is proudly hosted by Read Sleep Repeat.

So what is ARC August? No, it's not just Another Reading Challenge, which I happen to be very bad at. But a girl can always try. ARC August is a way to read all the ARC's filling up your Netgalley and ARC shelves. Past or future ARC's, printed or electronic editions, it doesn't matter, just read them.  

The rules are very simple: each week in August a linky will go up @ Read Sleep Repeat where you can share your progress. At the end submitted books will be confirmed, so you must review them somewhere. Either on your blog or on social media. If submissions can't be verified you may be disqualified, so make sure to say something, somewhere.

Seeing that I haven't done anything annually here, my ARC list is still very short. I've only registered on Netgalley last month and almost jumped through the roof when I was approved for my first request. I don't have a clue about Netgalley ratio's, but anything that can go up, must be good. Most of the time. Except for blood pressure and the petrol price. 

I have four books on my current Netgalley shelf and one requested reading from a South African author. 

I am listing the following 3 ARC for this challenge: 

Front Cover 1284085 25412415

I'm sure that I will get through these in August, as long as I do not get distracted by any other books. I solemnly swear to stay away from Netgalley for the next 30 days. Like I've said, a girl can always try.

Please share your ARC August books with me, I promise not to get tempted. A girl can really always try. 



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