The Sunday Post - 31 July 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

When I was young, we had this really cool add on tv "The end of the month salticrax". Dumb and Dumber and me never knew that salticrax is proudly South African! I've used this add for my Friday Meets on Friday and was quite surprised that nobody thought my "end of the month toppings" were clever. Gmpfff. Until my husband pointed out that most of my readers do not know the add, or salticrax, and will thus not understand.  


Okay, I get that. But I still love it! (Salticrax and the add) Today I am on my very last salticrax and NO toppings. This week's Sunday Post-salticrax is thus dry and unimaginative. 

Featured Inkspots

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday really is my most-fun, favorite link-up! Every week I think: 

"Now this was the most fun ever!" 

and then the next week comes along and uhmmm, I'm just having more fun. No really, this past week's Top Ten Tuesday was the greatest! 

To Do or not to Do? Ten books that inspired me to do/not to do something new.

Cover Characteristics

Schools I've posted this one rather late in the week and featured boarding schools in South Africa (fictional and real ones).

Friday Meets

Friday Meets  Yes, the one with the salticrax

Posts worth mentioning

London Based spec Fic Tales posted by Sarah Higbee over at Brainfluff. I don't read a lot of fantasy, but I've always enjoyed novels with a London setting. It feeds my dream of vising London one day. She's listed a few really nice fictional novels that I would like to read. Maybe one day on the plane on my way to London.... 


I've entered the August leg of the Comment Challenge 2016 and I am partnering up with Kayla over at Kayla's Nook Corner. Excited to get chatty with her over the month of August.

Comment Challenge

Reflections on Ink


As you may recall, this was my first ARC ever received on this blog. I've enjoyed it so much, but it took my hours to post my review. I was and still am very scared that I messed this up and will never ever be asked to review a book again. Ever. 

Is this normal or is it just me??

Me Thinks

Oh I have plenty of thoughts here, but not so much on the literacy side. 

What's happening this week?

Hopefully there will be time for reading as we will most probably be standing in a long queue on Wednesday for the local government elections. I will post the following during the week as well:

  • July's Ink stains
  • August Library Card
  • Book Haul (oooh can't wait to go shopping!!)
  • Weekly memes: Top Ten Tuesday, Cover Characteristics, Friday Meets and I will try to do the Thursday Quotables again.

Thalk to me!   

What were you up to this past week and what are going to be up to this coming week? Please don't climb any ladders and disappear into thin air. Like Froelich. 

Wishing you a great week!



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