The Sunday Post - 24 July 2016

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.

I've just finished The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennesy and I can hardly see where or what I have to type through my red and swollen eyes. Please don't expect any quirky remarks from me today. But really please do read Miss Queenie. If you can read it alongside her companion The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry so much the better. 


As sad songs and sad books always go, they make you lose track of what you were suppose to do. I actually had this really nice Sunday Post planned, but I have no idea where to find the blueprint under the pile of tissues. The one thing I can remember is that I wanted to change My Sunday Post subheadings to match my page-tabs. So let's try that (I'm just going to blow my nose first).

Featured Inkspots

In case you have ever wondered what that is, that is the tab under which I list all the memes and features I so love to participate in. For a list of all the hosts, you can look at LinkSpots. These guys really mean so much to me. Your weekly features and fun posts gives meaning to my life - you're the inspiration. I just don't know what I'll do without you. (I think I really need a moment and some booze here)

Seeing that I've missed last week's Sunday Post, I have a few memes that are a double up: 

Top Ten Tuesday

The Ten Wonders of Me The theme two weeks ago were 'Ten things you probably did not know about me'.
Ten Books Set in South Africa This week's theme were 'Ten books set outside the US'. Being proudly South African, I give you Ten Books set in South Africa.

Cover Characteristics

Friday Meets

Friday 22 July 2016

I still need to figure out how exactly I want to sort out all these subheadings, but my brain is filled with other mushing stuff - so I can't think now. For today, I will also list Posts worth mentioning under Featured InkSpots:

Magic Words in Book Blurbs This was a stunning post by Katherine at I wish I lived in a Library. I've used some of her "magic words" in my Top Ten Tuesday Post, Ten Books set in South Africa. I'm sure I'll use these on a regular basis henceforth. 

Broad versus narrow scope in books brought to you by Kristen at Metaphors and Moonlight. No, we don't all have to safe the world, if you are only willing to walk across England towards your dying friend, you are a hero. And if you don't die while waiting, you are a super-hero. (I'm just quickly getting a tissue again)


This is the tab under which I list all the challenges and readathons. I'm not sure where to place Book Tags, but I think this might be a good spot. 

I've participated in my firs Book Tag this past week: 

The Bookish Time Travel Tag. I had a lot of fun doing this one and will definitely do more Book Tags.

Please tag me

Reflections on Ink

This is where you will find all my book reviews. I only have one review this week. I went to watch Me Before You with my mother-in-law and as we walked out of the movie (looking quite similar to what I look like now) we both went and bought the sequel After You.

Me Thinks

Every now and then, I stoop to concern King Arthur by thinking a bit. This week I thought about Infertility as a recurring theme in popular novels. 


What's happening this week?

I have my "My Book Club can read between the wines" book club tomorrow night and I have only read one of my books. Luckily I've read a few other really good books that I can just through at them if they decide to with-held me from the wine and food. I need to take back all the books I haven't read (six of them) and I'm sure there will be a new book or two that is also going to beg me to take them home. I think I must make August my month of No Kindle and No Netgalley. Only Book Club books (*nod nod nod*. Not a good idea when your head is filled with mushy stuff from crying)

I will also review Miss Queenie and Harold Fry and update my 20 Books of Summer a bit. 

It's very cold and rainy here today, so I am going to grab the most murderous, no feelings at all book I can find on the bookshelf and cuddle up for the rest of the afternoon. 

Hope you will all have a great week ahead! 


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