The Sunday Post - CAUTION: Serious condition of Nose-stuck-in-a-book

I really love my Sunday visits with you guys, but today I have a serious case of
a dreamy far off look
with my nose stuck in a book

Seeing that this is a very serious condition, I am just quickly stopping by to give a quick recap of the past week.

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. This is a post to recap the past week on your blog, tell everyone about books and things you can showcase and share news for the upcoming week. Remember to link your post and to visit others who have linked up.


The highlight of my week was definitely receiving my firs ARC from Forest Avenue Press. I honestly thought it was going to take ages, dark ones and wintery ones, for me to receive an ARC. I was so excited, I even wrote a post on it. 

My First.........

Can you still remember what was the first ARC your received?

Weekly features/Memes

Top Ten Tuesday - Top ten underrated books on Goodreads For this week's Top Ten Tuesday, you had to pick ten books that you really loved, but had a rating of less than 2000 on Goodreads. I was amazed how many books I have read with lower ratings. I spend a lot of time reading some of the other Top Ten Posts this week as well. What a treasure hunt it proofed to be. 

Cover Characteristics - Feathers 

Friday Meets I had fun with the Book Bloggers Hop this week. Loved the question: Who is your favorite fictional couple?

Who's yours?

Book Reviews

The Benefits of Death by Roderic Jeffries This was my first Netgalley review and I have to be honest, I wish it was a book I enjoyed more. But I did finish it and I did write a review. I deserve a cupcake. 

New on the blog

I've created my own Facebook page! Actually quite an easy process. I just need to remember to share my posts on this page. Something new that I need to figure out and manage.... Any useful tips will be greatly appreciated. You can now like and follow me on Facebook at Mareli Thalk ink

Next week

It's day two of The Make Me Read It Readathon and I know I originally said that I will try to read 5 books, but let's make it 3. I thought my husband would be away on business this week so I can read read read. Turns out he is going to have company. (No, he does not have an affair. It's ME that will keep him company). Oh what we have to sacrifice for a good marriage.... 

The three books that got the most votes on my poll were: 

22055262  6569735  15771083

It does appear as if I will be entering The Dark Side this week. Ah well, as long as they read as well they can't be that bad. I guess it's true that there is a book out there for everyone. 

I am currently reading A Darker shade of magic and I strongly suspect that the above mentioned condition is a result of this book. The symptoms of this disease are very severe and I need to leave you know to go read. Apparently it is the only cure. It is also highly contagious - please take heed. 

Wishing you all a lovely week! 


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